OIDC SSO Integration

This guide explains how to configure OpenID Connect (OIDC) Single Sign-On (SSO) for your organization on our platform.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  1. OIDC Provider Account: Access to an OIDC provider (e.g., Microsoft Azure AD, Google, Auth0).
  2. Client Credentials: Obtain these details from your OIDC provider:
    • Client ID
    • Client Secret
    • Authorization Endpoint
    • Token Endpoint
    • User Info Endpoint
  3. User Mapping Keys: Determine the keys your OIDC provider uses for user details:
    • User Identifier Key (e.g., userPrincipalName, email)
    • First Name Key
    • Last Name Key

Configuration Steps

Step 1: Enable OIDC SSO

  1. Go to Organization Single Sign-On (SSO) settings in the application.
  2. Check the box Enable OIDC SSO Login to activate the feature.

Step 2: Fill in the Required Fields

Fill out the following fields using information from your OIDC provider:

OIDC Client IDEnter the client ID provided by your OIDC provider.
OIDC Client SecretEnter the client secret associated with your client ID.
OIDC Authorization EndpointURL for user authentication (e.g., https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenant-id>/oauth2/v2.0/authorize).
OIDC Token EndpointURL for exchanging authorization codes for tokens (e.g., https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenant-id>/oauth2/v2.0/token).
OIDC User Info EndpointURL for retrieving user profile details (e.g., https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me).

Step 3: Configure User Mapping

Specify the user information fields returned by your OIDC provider:

OIDC User Identifier KeyThe field from the user info response that uniquely identifies a user (e.g., userPrincipalName, email).
OIDC User First Name KeyThe field representing the user’s first name (e.g., givenName).
OIDC User Last Name KeyThe field representing the user’s last name (e.g., surname).

Note: If your OIDC provider uses the same key for both first and last names (e.g., displayName), use that key in both fields.

Step 4: Save Changes

Click the Save Changes button to store your configuration. The SSO login will be enabled for your organization.

Testing the Integration

  1. Log out of your account.
  2. Click Sign In on the login page.
  3. Select the Sign in with SSO option.
  4. Authenticate through your OIDC provider.
  5. Verify that:
    • You are redirected back to the application.
    • User details (e.g., name, email) are correctly displayed.

Example Configuration for Microsoft Azure AD

Here’s an example configuration for Azure AD:

OIDC Client ID<your-client-id>
OIDC Client Secret<your-client-secret>
OIDC Authorization Endpointhttps://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenant-id>/oauth2/v2.0/authorize
OIDC Token Endpointhttps://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenant-id>/oauth2/v2.0/token
OIDC User Info Endpointhttps://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me
OIDC User Identifier KeyuserPrincipalName
OIDC User First Name KeygivenName
OIDC User Last Name Keysurname

Replace <tenant-id> with your Azure AD tenant ID.


  • Invalid Client ID/Secret: Ensure the client ID and secret are correct.
  • Authorization Error: Verify the authorization endpoint URL and ensure the redirect URI matches the one registered with your OIDC provider.
  • User Info Mapping Issues: Test the user info endpoint response using a tool like Postman to confirm the keys match your configuration.

Need help? Contact our support team for assistance!