
Each VolansDB Agent can have a set of inputs that it accepts. These inputs can be used as parameters for the Engine Configuration or provide data to the Engine powering the Agent.

You can define the inputs that your Agent will accept by defining a required key to identify the input and the data type of that input.

Template Strings

Once the inputs are defined, you can use the keys in the Engine Configuration to fill in the configurations. This allows you to dynamically set the configurations based on the inputs provided to the Agent at runtime.

To use the keys in the Engine Configuration, you can reference them using template strings. For example, if you have an input key prompt, you can use ${prompt} or $prompt in the Engine Configuration to reference the value of the prompt input.

You can use multiple keys in one configuration. For example, if you have two input keys prompt1 and prompt2, you can use them in the configuration like this ${prompt1} ${prompt2}.

In this case if prompt1 is summarize the document and prompt2 is provide a list of speakers, at runtime, the configuration will be filled with

Please follow the instruction: summarize the document and provide a list
of speakers

Types of Inputs

Each input and engine configuration can have a specific set of data types. The agent input used in the engine configuration should match the types required.

Only text-based inputs and configurations support multiple keys in one configuration. For all other types, only one key can be used in one configuration and any other text in the configuration will be ignored.